on mouseup global searchw,currentline,tlines,j,chgicolor,tenginew,tchars,i,J,qqq set tenginew to the number of words in field "engine" set the forecolor of line i of field "san" to 35 put field "engine" into searchw put field "san" into xx SET THE FORECOLOR OF LINE I OF FIELD "SAN" TO 35 SET THE FORECOLOR OF LINE J OF FIELD "SAN" TO 35 UPDATESTAGE if the scrolltop of member "san" >0 then set the scrolltop of member "san" to 0 end if if qqq = 0 then Alert "Word not in Dictionery" exit else if xx contains searchw then set i to 0 set qqq to 0 -- put the number of line of word "kheda" of field "san" set tlines to the number of lines of field "san" repeat with i=currentline+1 to tlines if i=tlines then set currentline to 0 set i to 0 else if line i of field "san" contains searchw then set twords to the number of words in line i of field "san" repeat with w = 1 to twords if w> twords then set i to i+1 set currentline to i set chgicolor to i set chgwordcolor to w end if -- set compword to word w of line i of field "san" if string(word w of line i of field "san") starts string(word 1 to 1 of searchw) then set pos to w set ww to pos repeat while pos<(ww+tenginew) set the forecolor of word pos of line i of field "san" to 21504 updatestage set pos to pos+1 set currentline to i end repeat scrollByLine member "san", i-2 exit end if end repeat end if -- set currentline to i -- set chgicolor to i -- set chgwordcolor to w end if end repeat else ALERT "WORD NOT FOUND IN DICTIONARY" end if end if end if end ON MOUSEDOWN GLOBAL I,J,qqq,tlines,searchw --SET THE FORECOLOR OF LINE I OF FIELD "SAN" TO 35 --SET THE FORECOLOR OF LINE J OF FIELD "SAN" TO 35 --UPDATESTAGE global searchw,currentline,tlines,j,chgicolor,tenginew,tchars,i,J,qqq set tenginew to the number of words in field "engine" --set the forecolor of line i of field "san" to 35 put field "engine" into searchw put field "san" into xx set i to 0 set tlines to the number of lines of field "san" repeat with i=i+1 to tlines if line i of field "san" contains searchw then set twords to the number of words in line i of field "san" repeat with w = 1 to twords if string(word w of line i of field "san") starts string(word 1 to 1 of searchw) then set qqq to i end if end repeat end if end repeat END